5 Signs You Need An Element Photo Account

You’re probably asking, Why do I need Element Photo?

Think of Element Photo as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for photographers. It’s a web tool that empowers photographers or their administration teams to get organized, manage and engage clients intelligently, track scheduled projects, display their work, proof projects, boost customer satisfaction, and much more.

Relying on memory and sticky notes might not be the best option in the long term as your business grows. Here are a few signs that you might need to open an Element Photo account:

You Don’t Have A Website or Portfolio.

Getting new business as a photographer could depend on how organized your portfolio is or how appealing your website/online gallery is. If your work exists on several hard drives or you must search through hundreds of profiles, you need an Element Photo account period. Photographers who are part of the Element Photo tribe get custom domains to host their portfolio online and they can also create private or public galleries that can be shared with clients using a unique link.

You Use Several Channels To Communicate With Leads.

It might be a good time to invest in a freemium or paid Element Photo account when you spend a good part of your day scrolling endlessly through several inboxes, and social channel DMs to track quote requests, meeting information, etc. Using a combination of our notes, manage bookings, and Element photo client features, photographers can seamlessly manage conversations and booking requests in one place.

You Forget To Follow Up.

Successful photographers understand the importance of following up with leads and existing customers. When following up or remembering to keep in touch with clients becomes a problem, it often indicates the need for a tool to keep you on top of everything. In Element Photo, you can schedule automatic project reminders for yourself and your client, who will appreciate your interest in their project.

You Want To Deliver Better Customer Service.

As the Element Photo team, we aim to help photographers grow, manage and expand their business. We also believe that customer satisfaction is at the heart of every business. Element Photo provides a solid mix of tools to help achieve your customer and project management goals.

Rapid Business Growth

As your photography business continues to grow, it is counterintuitive to rely on ineffective processes to satisfy your customers’ requirements.

In conclusion, the key to success in today’s business environment is not to work harder but to work smarter.

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